Media sponsor: EADT Woodbridge Children's Book Festival 2008


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The fierce and fantastic characters of Elizabeth Kay
Author/speaker: Elizabeth Kay
Date: Saturday 25 October
Time: 12 noon

How do you create another world? How do you describe dark, evil characters who live in that world? How do you make your reader care about what happens to these people, in this very special place?!

Elizabeth Kay is the author of the bestselling series of fantasy books called The Divide. She will be talking about her life as an author, explaining how she writes and how she makes words on a page come to life in the reader's head. Highlighting one particular character from her books, she will trace their progress and development through the story. It's sure to be fascinating, but don't let her get away with any unanswered questions - there's time at the end for a short Q&A session to put her on the spot!

Elizabeth Kay - The Divide Series    

Elizabeth will be available from 1pm to sign books which can be purchased in the hall. To find out more about the author, go to

Venue: Methodist Church
Age: 8+
Tickets: free, must be booked in advance

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We are very grateful to the following sponsors and partners for supporting this event: Awards for All, Browsers Bookshop & Cafe, Churches Together Woodbridge, East Anglian Daily Times, Extended Schools Suffolk County Council, Seckford Foundation, Seckford Theatre, Suffolk Coastal District Council, Suffolk Foundation, Woodbridge Books, Woodbridge Community Council, Woodbridge Library, Woodbridge Schools, Young Browsers bookshop.

The Woodbridge Children's Book Festival 2008 is organised by Woodbridge Town Centre Management Ltd.
Artistic director: Catherine Larner
Site design & hosting: