Media sponsor: EADT Woodbridge Children's Book Festival 2008


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Open the Book
Date: Friday 24 October
Time: Daytime

Storytellers will visit Kyson, Melton and St Mary's primary schools this morning to lead assemblies - with a difference. The Lion Storyteller Bible is their guide, and they bring each story to life with their own highly visual, interactive and dramatic interpretation.

Venue: Kyson, Melton and St Mary's primary schools

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We are very grateful to the following sponsors and partners for supporting this event: Awards for All, Browsers Bookshop & Cafe, Churches Together Woodbridge, East Anglian Daily Times, Extended Schools Suffolk County Council, Seckford Foundation, Seckford Theatre, Suffolk Coastal District Council, Suffolk Foundation, Woodbridge Books, Woodbridge Community Council, Woodbridge Library, Woodbridge Schools, Young Browsers bookshop.

The Woodbridge Children's Book Festival 2008 is organised by Woodbridge Town Centre Management Ltd.
Artistic director: Catherine Larner
Site design & hosting: